Polarimetria y refractometria pdf merge

Polarimetria y refractrometria optica concentracion. Del filtrado coger 40 ml y apartarlos como muestra 2 15. Instrumental 1 refractometra skoog 1era y 2da edicin. Refractometria y polarimetria trabajos finales 5716 palabras.

Estas sustancias pueden ser levogiras o dextrogiras. Baixe no formato pdf, txt ou leia online no scribd. Polarimetria y refractometria polarizacion ondas ligero. Refractometria y polarimetria by tenamaxtli lopez on prezi. Scribd is the worlds largest social reading and publishing site. Anton paars abbemat refractometer series ranges from the straightforward abbemat 3x00 series for routine analysis to the sturdy heavy duty line for measurements in harsh environments. Although astigmatic aberration is a fundamental part of astigmatic ametropia, these two entities are conceptually different. Refractive index physical property that is characteristic of a pure compound. View refractometriaypolarimetria20519421pdf from instrument 101 at central university. Remedios caseros naturales efectivos recommended for you 7. Nuestro servicio tecnico esta conformado por ingenieros y tecnicos especialistas y capacitado por nuestros proveedores. Uses of refractometer ensure the purity of a sample determine the concentration of a sample r n2 1 m. Polarimetria refractometria quimica 271109 ucv studocu. A refractometer measures the extent to which light is bent i.

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